Thursday, May 1, 2008


We are up visiting family in Syracuse. William is having a ball going to Grandma & Grandpa's house every day, playing with Nonnie and Uncle Joe, meeting some friends and family that he had not met before and seeing some familiar faces. During his whirlwind tour of the Cuse, he has attended Great Uncle Lu's memorial mass & luncheon, cousin Alexandra's baptism party, visited with cousins JP, Giuliana and Isabella, met cousin Elizabeth (and baby Alexandra,) met Great Great Aunt Annie, Great Great Aunt Gen and Great Great Uncle Frank, saw Jen & celebrated Sandi's birthday, did lunch in downtown Syracuse and the list go's on and on...William loves activity and we made sure he wasn't bored this week. In between all of his social engagements he found time to practice his walking and took several steps 3 or so... unassisted!! He was very proud of himself & we are proud too. He had taken a few steps last week while we were at his Bugs class at The Little Gym. He's putting a few more steps together this week. He's still wobbly like a drunken sailor but... it won't be long now before he's running around. Look out everyone!!
I hope I have some good pics of this.


Tulips said...

Wow!! I think he'll be the first walker of M9. Congrats, William!

Jen said...

Way to go William! You have to show Max how to walk without holding on to anything.