Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dancing Man

All the kiddies and William & Abbie at Mainly Music Class.

Wow, we can't believe that William is 19 months old. The time has truly flown by! We just returned from a fabulous trip to Florida w/Nannie (Nana) and Aunt Ju Ju. Cousins Val and Shane were there with baby Caroline as well. William really grew on this trip..he's saying so many more words now. Some new ones include..."Sazham!" ( thanks Aunt Julie) and baboon for balloon, plane and hep for help and many more that I can't recall right now. Also, Aunt Ju Ju has her own set of vocabulary that she was kind enough to share. After we returned home we had a great visit w/ Grandma (Maw, Maw) over the long weekend.

William 's 18month stats were:
Weight-27 pounds
Height-34 in.
Head-can't recall the exact # w/out going to look it up. but it's still 95%. Big brain!!

William has always been funny but now we find that he actually cracks himself up. It's like he laughs at his own jokes. He must get that from me! He also will laugh when he sees people laughing on TV, like he's in on the joke. Very Cute!!
Another sweet thing. When we say our prayers at night we go through the list of our family and friends. I'll say, okay William who are we going to bless? God bless..... and he will then say Ju Ju and I'll reply okay who else? Then he will say Daddy and Ju Ju and Nana and Ju Ju and Mommy and... You get the picture. Aunt Julie is getting a lot of blessings these days! Lucky girl.

1 comment:

Carole said...

I missed your posts!!! And William is a great dancer. I think he's into modern dancing, cause he sure can jump and move like no other!